Students are required to comply with the following dress code:
- School Uniform pants
- No blue jeans/denim material
- Blue CFS Shirt
For all students:
- All pants must fit and be worn at the waist line.
- Pants may not be rolled up or tucked in shoes.
- No baggy or skinny pants will be allowed.
Middle School:
- Blue, Black, or Khaki pants
- No blue jeans/denim material
- Red CFS Shirt
- No wind pants or warm-ups.
- Only one black/white shirt may be worn under CFS shirt.
- Only one pair of black/white socks.
- Must wear a black/white belt every day.
High School :
- Blue, Black, or Khaki pants
- No Blue jeans/denim material
- Black CFS Shirt
- No shorts or skirts will be allowed.
- Skirts must be blue, black, or khaki and be worn at the knee.
- No purses or wallets may be brought to CFS.
*Shirts are provided to students at no cost. If the student comes to school without their provided shirt, a yellow "I'm Out of Dress Code" CFS shirt will be worn for that day. If the provided shirt is lost or damaged, the cost for a new shirt will be $7.00. All shirts will be returned to CFS.
- No make-up, false eyelashes, fingernail polish, or drawn on eyebrows.
- No jewelry may be worn or brought. This includes: earrings, watches, teeth grills, no facial piercing or tongue piercing.
- No hats, headbands, do rags of any kind.
** The principal of the school or his/her designee shall have the discretion to determine if a student's attire, hair, and/or grooming is acceptable and within appropriate health and safety standards.
***Lost or damaged I.D. badges will cost $3 to be replaced.
- All Male students must be clean shaven. Sideburns should not be below the ear lobes, no eyebrow/hair designs allowed.
- Tattoos must be covered.
- No capris, peddle pusher, spandex or form fitting pants may be worn.
- No hair ornaments/accessories that might be considered as weapons i.e. chop stick type
- No hoodies or sweatshirts
- Shoes must be tied at all times. Black/White tennis shoes and shoelaces.