• 2018-2019 North Shore Middle School TAPR Report

    TAPR Glossary - English

    TAPR Website (State of Texas): https://rptsvr1.tea.texas.gov/perfreport/tapr/index.html

    Acreditation Stutus (State of Texas): http://tea.texas.gov/accredstatus/

    School Violence Prevention
    The Galena Park Independent School District believes by engaging our students in exciting lessons that explore and incorporate higher level thinking skills, we can assure success for all of our students.

    Our character education topics for the year are:

    • CItizenship
    • Compassion & Tolerance
    • Fairness
    • Honesty & Integrity
    • Perserverance
    • Responsibility
    • Respect
    • Self-discipline
    • Trustworthiness

    These concepts are taught comprehensively, pro actively and intentionally through research based practices that encourage positive relationships between students, faculty and staff as well as the broader community. We believe that this approach is our best chance at school violence prevention and the best way to protect students