SAM News
Class Pictures - January 13 (Fotos de clase - 13 de enero)
Class Picture Code - FM438423 Click the link to pay online for your student's class picture. (Haga clic en el enlace para pagar en línea la fotografía de la clase de su estudiante.)
24-25 Sam Houston Elem Testing Schedule (Calendario de Exámenes de Sam Houston Elem)
Parents and Guardians: We encourage you to make sure students are present for the following State/DISTRICT Assessments. PADRES Y TUTORES: LOS ALENTAMOS A QUE SE ASEGURE DE QUE LOS ESTUDIANTES ESTÉN PRESENTES PARA LAS SIGUIENTES EVALUACIONES ESTATALES y del distrito.
Parenting in a Digital Age Crianza de los hijos en la era digital
Parents and caregivers are looking for resources and advice on all things media and technology. Los padres y cuidadores buscan recursos y consejos sobre todo lo relacionado con los medios y la tecnología. Esta lista de reproducción incluye cuatro videos que abordan muchas preguntas frecuentes. This playlist includes four videos addressing many frequently asked questions. Esta lista de reproducción incluye cuatro videos que abordan muchas preguntas frecuentes.
2024-2025 New Student Enrollment/ 2024-2025 Inscripción de nuevos estudiantes
Click here to find the information to enroll your new student at Sam Houston Elementary.
2024-2025 School Supply Lists/ 2024-2025 Lista de útiles escolares
Click here for our 2024-2025 school supply lists
District Announcements
Parent Connect Newsletter
As we navigate the 2024-2025 school year, we will continue to provide you with the latest updates. We hope you will take the time to read over this newsletter carefully.
Removal of Unauthorized/Disruptive Persons
As of August 26, 2018 all school districts are subject to the Commissioner’s new rules regarding the removal of a disruptive person from a campus. More information regarding this new rule can be found in Chapter 37, section 37.105 of the Texas Education Code, which addresses: Unauthorized Persons, Refusal of Entry, Ejection, and Identification.
Blackboard Parentlink Notification System - TCPA
Galena Park ISD regularly provides mass notifications to parents, guardians, students, and faculty regarding weather closures, threat situations, event scheduling, or to provide other important education-related information. These messages not only drive positive educational outcomes, they can also save lives.
Upcoming Events
March 12, 2025
3:45 PM PTA Meeting
March 17, 2025
March 18, 2025
March 19, 2025
March 20, 2025
Sam Houston Elementary
We at Sam Houston Elementary create a nurturing community that embraces the social-emotional and academic needs of the whole child. With strong relationships as the foundation, we center the infinite potential of every child.
We at Sam Houston Elementary aim to develop creative problem solvers, academic scholars, resilient learners, global citizens, and compassionate collaborators who work together to build a better future.
School Hours
7:35 a.m.-3:15 p.m.