The mission of the Galena Park Independent School District is to prepare students to become productive citizens and lifelong learners. We feel that by engaging our students in exciting lessons that explore and incorporate higher-level thinking skills we can assure success for all of our students. Curriculum Corner is the portal for our successful teachers to come together and reach our common educational goal by enhancing lessons, engaging students, and increasing interactivity in the classroom.
Technology Department Events
Medal Contest
We need a new medal design for the 2024-2025 Multimedia & Coding Contest! All middle and high school students are eligible to enter. Please review the contest rules HERE!
Last year's winner was Angel Piña, a Galena Park High School senior!
Multimedia Contest
The 2024-2025 Multimedia & Coding Contest information is posted HERE! There are updates to the contest this year. If you have any questions, see your campus technology leader (DLAC).
You can view the picture gallery at the top of the page for highlights from the 2023-2024 contest!
Classlink Digital Art Contest
Entries for the 2024-2025 Classlink Digital Art Contest are due to the campus DLAC, May 1, 2025. Please refer to this flyer for all of the details for entry. All students in Kindergarten - 12th grade are eligible to enter a project.
The 2023-2024 winning projects are pictured below. The elementary winner was from Tice Elementary and the secondary winner was from North Shore 9th Grade Center. The designs will be displayed on the district's ClassLink home page during the 2024-2025 school year.
Digital Media Safety for Parents
Do you ever look for resources and advice on all things media and technology? This playlist includes four videos addressing many frequently asked questions. See Parenting in a Digital Age on the Common Sense Education YouTube Channel.
About Common Sense Education
Common Sense Education supports K-12 schools with free, timely, and research-based resources for teaching in the digital age. We believe that learning digital life skills is essential for students to thrive in today’s world, and that all students should have access to learning these skills. That’s why we make our digital citizenship resources available for free, ready for any educator to plug into tomorrow’s lesson plan. Our core resources include a comprehensive K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum, all-inclusive reviews of the most popular and latest edtech tools, and expert advice on how to use those tools most effectively in the classroom. Over half a million educators in nearly half of K-12 U.S. schools use our resources to teach kids digital life skills. We’re excited to keep that number growing so that all of our kids can thrive in the digital age.
Common Sense is the leading independent nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology. Every day, Common Sense supports parents, teachers, and policymakers with unbiased information, innovative tools, and trusted advice to support kids' digital well-being. To see all of Common Sense Education’s resources, visit https://www.commonsense.org/education.
Click the green checkmark to view district-approved applications.
Request a new application or digital resource here:
Resource Approval Request
Device Restitution Requirements:
(From the Loan Agreement):
- Missing keys, scratched screen, damaged port: $25.00
- Missing/Damaged charger: $25.00
- Missing/lost case: $30.00
- Cracked screen: $50.00
- Hotspot completely damaged, stolen, or lost: $84.00
- Missing/Damaged hotspot charger: $10.00
- Completely Damaged or Stolen -- with police report: $100.00
- Lost or Not returned: $300.00
Fines must be paid through the RevTrack WebStore.
Access to the Galena Park ISD Chromebooks or iPads is a privilege, not a right. Violating the letter or spirit of the above guidelines may result in the loss of the Chromebook/iPad, disciplinary action(s), criminal charges, and/or fines.