Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Medical
GPISD offers four health plans in conjunction with TRS-ActiveCare. The plans offered includes nationwide plans ActiveCare HD and ActiveCare2 (closed to new enrollees) and statewide plans ActiveCare Primary and ActiveCare Primary+. The GPISD medical plan is offered to all employees of GPISD including substitute employees (GPISD does not contribute to a substitute's premiums). Employees may enroll their legal spouse, domestic partner and child(ren) who are their legal taxable dependents. No other relatives or individuals may be covered on the GPISD medical plan.
Watch "Learn The Terms" Video
2024-2025 Medical, Dental & Vision Rates
2024-2025 TRS ActiveCare Highlights - English
2024-2025 TRS ActiveCare Highlights - Spanish (Coming Soon)
Find My Doctor
Key Wellness Benefits Included With All Plans! (Fitness Program Discounts, Rewards, Wellness Coaching and More!)
Express Scripts Prescriptions
Effective September 1, 2023, the pharmacy benefits manager will change to Express Scripts. Employees will receive new pharmacy ID cards. Just like your medical plan covers visits to your doctor, your Express Scripts prescription plan covers the medication your doctor prescribes. Express Scripts is the largest pharmacy benefit manager and one of the biggest pharmacies in the U.S., serving more than 85 million people.
Express Scripts Information and Resources
Explore the Plans, Price Rx, Find a Pharmacy, and Register Your Account

Access to 24/7 convenient, quality primary care medical service with live, face-to-face diagnosis and treatment by telephone, computer or smartphone. For those enrolled in the TRS-ActiveCare Primary, Primary+ and AC2 plans, RediMD is free and the copay is included in your benefits! For those enrolled in the TRS-ActiveCare HD plan, there is a $30 copay for RediMD. At this time, there are no benefits with RediMD for those who waive medical.
Registration Code: trsactivecare
RediMD Highlights
Virtual Health
Access to 24/7 convenient, quality primary care medical service with live, face-to-face diagnosis and treatment via the internet by computer or smartphone as well as services over the telephone.
- As always, Teladoc is FREE to employees who waive medical or enroll in TRS-ActiveCare HD. You must let the representative know that you are under the Galena Park account. You may have to create a new profile.
- Teladoc will cost $12 per consultation for those in TRS-ActiveCare Primary, Primary + and ActiveCare 2 plans.
- Teladoc will cost $42 for those in TRS-ActiveCare HD plan.
- We encourage you to use RediMD for $0 cost telehealth, if you are enrolled in the the TRS ActiveCare Primary, Primary+ and ActiveCare2 plans. See RediMD information above.
- Mental Health consultations are included for those enrolled in certain TRS plans.
Teladoc Highlights - English & Spanish
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
GPISD offers two Flexible Spending Accounts, a Dependent Care Account and a Medical Reimbursement Account. Both accounts are used for qualified expenses as outlined by the IRS. The Dependent Care Account may be used to cover day care costs with qualified cay care providers for children under age 13 and who reside with you more than 50% of the year. Additionally, a Dependent Care Account may be used for a qualifying dependent who is physically or mentally incapable of self-care, resides with you more than 50% of the year and is in need of care so that you and your spouse can work.
The Medical Reimbursement Account allows you to pay for qualified medical expenses with pretax dollars. Both of these accounts are "use or lose" accounts; if the funds are not used by the annual published grace period, they are forfeited. The maximum annual contribution limits are set by the IRS. You must keep all itemized receipts to support your charges.
2024-2025 FSA Details and Comparison
FSA Online Access
Dependent Care Eligible Expenses
Medical FSA Eligible Expenses
Medical Reimbursement Claim Form (English)
Medical Reimbursement Claim Form (Spanish)
Health Savings Account (HSA)
An HSA is designed to help you pay for qualified medical expenses with pretax dollars. The annual maximum contribution limit is set by the IRS, and individuals age 55 or older may contribute an additional $1,000 annually. This is NOT a "use or lose" account, and funds roll over year to year. Individuals contributing to an HSA must also be enrolled in a High Deductible Health Plan, and may not be contributing to an FSA at the same time. HSA contributions may be stopped, increased or decreased anytime throughout the year. For more information about an HSA please contact Employee Benefits.
2024-2025 HSA Details and Comparison
HSA Account Login
Medical HSA Eligible Expenses
Guardian Dental
GPISD is pleased to offer Guardian Dental as our dental provider for both the PPO and DHMO plans. A PPO gives you the flexibility to choose your provider and specialists without a referral (choosing in-network providers incurs the lowest cost). Dental HMO requires that you have a treating dentist at the time of enrollment, and uses a schedule of benefit co-payments for service and care. You can contact Guardian and change your primary care dentist at any time. If you are a full-time employee, you may purchase a dental plan for you and your legal taxable dependents.
2024-2025 Medical, Dental and Vision Rates
Watch this informative video about your dental benefits!
Guardian Plan Highlights
Find My Dentist
Guardian DHMO Patient Charges After Copay
GuardianAnytime Registration Instructions
Davis Vision
GPISD offers one vision plan through Davis Vision. The vision plan offers allowances and discounts on eye glasses, contact fittings and lenses. Annual eye exams may be obtained after a nominal copayment. If you are a full time employee, you may purchase a vision plan for you and your legal dependents.
2024-2025 Medical, Dental and Vision Rates
Davis Vision Plan Highlights
Basic & Supplemental Term Life
GPISD provides Group Basic Term Life Insurance paid by the district in the amount of $25,000 for all eligible employees. Group life insurance allows you to purchase additional affordable life insurance on yourself, spouse and dependent children. This term life insurance is in effect during your employment with Galena Park ISD. Aside from paying your named beneficiary at the time of your passing, the policy may also pay an accelerated death benefit which can pay if you become terminally ill with a life expectancy of less than 12 months (stipulations apply). This benefit is available to full-time employees only.
Basic & Supplemental Group Term Life
Beneficiary Resource Services
Travel Resource Services
Texas Life Voluntary Permanent Life Insurance
Texas Life offers life insurance with coverage through the age of 121 and is available to you, as well as other family members such as your legal spouse, children and grandchild(ren). Texas Voluntary Permanent Life Insurance is different than Supplemental Term Life offered through Dearborn because Texas Life is portable, and you may take it with you if you separate from service. The base life insurance premium on your initial policy is guaranteed to never increase, and the policy offers an Accelerated Death Benefit Rider for terminal illnesses.
Texas Life Permanent Life Insurance Highlights
Long Term Disability
Long Term Disability (LTD) coverage is important because anyone at any age may become injured or ill for an extended period of time. If you are a newly eligible employee, your coverage will be effective on the first day of the month following the date you enroll (as long as you enroll within 30 days of your date of eligibility). You may elect an LTD benefit that is in multiples of $100, from $200 to $7,500 per month, as long as your monthly benefit is no more than 70% of your base monthly earnings. If you apply for a benefit amount exceeding $5,000/month, only the first $5,000 will be effective on the first of the month following your date of enrollment. Coverage in excess of $5,000 requires completed Evidence of Insurability application before coverage is approved/effective.
If you become disabled and are disabled for longer than 6 months, your benefit may be reduced by other sources of income you receive. See plan for details.
Disability Enhanced SSNRA Plan Details
Disability Enhanced 3Y Plan Details
File A Claim Online
Disability Pregnancy Claim Forms
Disability Non-Pregnancy Claim Forms
Disability Physician Expense Reimbursement Form
Disability Hospital Confinement Benefit Form
Disability Optional Benefit Riders
Allstate Cancer Plan
The Allstate Cancer Plan can help in the event you or your dependent have a diagnosis of Cancer or one of the other 29 dreaded diseases covered by this plan. Such items as hospital confinement, initial diagnosis and treatment, surgery and more are covered. The Allstate Cancer Plan also offers an annual $100 Wellness Exam benefit payment when you have had an annual preventive cancer test/screening and submit a claim. This benefit is allowed for one screening only, and is only paid once per plan year per covered member. See plan for details.
Allstate Cancer Plan Information
Allstate Cancer Plan Wellness Claim Form
Allstate Cancer Plan Cancer Claim Form
Critical Illness Plan
If you experience an event such as a heart attack or stroke, Critical Illness Insurance may help. It pays a lump sum amount to help with expenses that may not be covered by major medical insurance.
2024-2025 Critical Illness Rates
Critical Illness Plan Details - English
Critical Illness Plan Details - Spanish
Critical Illness File A Claim
Critical Illness Wellness Claim Form
Group Hospital Indemnity Insurance
Effective September 1, 2023, the Group Hospital Indemnity Insurance will be provided by MetLife. MetLife Hospital Indemnity Insurance can supplement existing medical coverage and help provide financial support to pay for out-of-pocket expenses such as deductibles, co-payments, and non-covered medical services. Payments are made directly to covered members to spend as you choose.
Hospital Indemnity Insurance Plan, Rates & Disclosures
File an online claim
How to file a claim
Aflac Accident Plan
Accidents can happen in an instant affecting you or a loved one. Aflac is designed to help families plan for the health care bumps ahead and take some of the uncertainty and financial insecurity out of getting better.
Accident Plan Brochure - Spanish
Accident Plan Brochure - English
File A Claim Online
Download Accident Claim Form
Download Wellness Claim Form
LegalEase Prepaid Legal
Prepaid legal is a policy that allows you to access free or reduced attorney services within the prepaid legal network. Your policy covers you, your legal spouse, and unmarried dependent children under the age of 19 (under age 26 if enrolled in an accredited institution of higher learning). Services such as office consultations, consumer issues, financial issues, civil issues, home issues, estate planning, elder issues and more are covered.
2024-2025 Legal Plan