Q: Who does the vendor contact about an invoice and payment?
A: Accounts Payable Department at accounts_payable@galenaparkisd.com or 832-386-1025
Q: Who does the vendor contact about adding shipping to a purchase order?
A: Purchasing Department at purchasing@galenaparkisd.com or 832-386-1009
Q: How can a vendor become an Approved/Awarded vendor?
A: First: The vendor must submit a Vendor Application Packet to purchasing@galenaparkisd.com for review.
Second: The vendor can visit the "Upcoming Bids" section of the Purchasing Department website for current bids avaliable.
Q: Can an approved vendor hand deliver catalogs/flyers to a campus?
A: Approved vendors should contact the School Secretary (found on the GPISD website under Schools) and request a date and time to drop off material.