Credit by Examination/Validation Opportunities
Forms, Test Dates, and Other Information
The mission of this section of the webpage is to inform students, parents, and teachers of the Credit by Exam and Credit Validation dates available to Galena Park ISD Students.Credit by Exam is designed for students that have never attempted to earn credit for a particular course or who wish to accelerate to the next grade level. Credit Validation is designed for students who have previously had instruction in a course, but did not earn credit. This could include students arriving to GPISD from an unaccredited school. Please read through the brochure below to familiarize yourself the details of each.
2024-2025 Test Dates
November 4, 2024 - Deadline for registration: September 27, 2024
January 31, 2025 - Deadline for registration: December 13, 2024
June 2-5, 2025 - Deadline for registration: April 25, 2025
July 15-17, 2025 - Deadline for registration: May 23, 2025Registration Procedures:
- Interested parents can print out a Credit by Examination/Credit Validation brochure and/or student application.
- Parents must then submit the completed application to their child's counselor for approval (a parent and counselor signature is required).
- Counselors complete the campus portion of the application and forward the completed form to the Program Director for Advanced Academics.
- The Program Director for Advanced Academics will order the exams, secure a test site, make all needed arrangements, and return all completed tests to Texas Tech University for scoring.
- Once the results are received from Texas Tech, the Program Director for Advanced Academics will forward the results to the parents and the campus.
- A student may receive credit for an academic subject in which he or she has had no prior instruction if the student scores a minimum of 80% on a criterion-referenced test for the applicable course. Credit for some secondary courses may be dependent on evidence of subject mastery in the form of a portfolio, student product, oral presentation, research paper, etc. If a student has had previous instruction, they would be taking a test for Credit Validation, which would require a 70% to earn credit.
- Credit for a course is only granted if the student passes all required portions of the test (i.e. Algebra I part A and Algebra I part B). For students wishing to test to another grade level, all subject area tests must be passed for the student to be granted permission to move to the next grade level.
- If such credit is given, the District shall enter the examination score on the student's transcript. This score, however, shall not be used to calculate class rank.
Credit by Exam Application (English)
Credit by Exam Application (Spanish)Study guides are available here (be sure to review the study guide for your test prior to testing; some tests require reading or projects to be completed before arrival on test day).